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Best cancer treatment in India

Lungs Cancer: Signs and Symptoms, Types and Treatment


Lungs are breathing organs situated in your chest. When you inhale, the lungs take in oxygen and when you exhale, the lungs release carbon dioxide. Lung cancer begins in the lungs. Uncontrolled cell division in your lungs is the reason for lung cancer. Your cells in the lungs divide and the uncontrolled division of cells forms tumors. Tumors prevent your organs from working properly. Lung cancer usually occurs in the airways or air sacs.

CareAssist Wellness Pvt Ltd, the best medical tourism facilitator in India, guides medical tourists with lung cancer and the best cancer doctors in India. Our team even offers a free consultation before the medical trip.

Types Of Lungs Cancer

Lung cancer is of two kinds which are small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer.

Small Cell Lung Cancer

Small cell lung cancer is a small lung tumor that grows quickly and spreads fast to other parts of the body. Two types of Small Cell Lung Cancer are small cell carcinoma and combined small cell carcinoma.

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Non-small cell lung cancer covers 80% of lung cancer cases. Two common types of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer are adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

Stages Of Lung Cancer

We suggest the best cancer treatment in India to medical tourists who visit our office. Patients with different stages of lung cancer can approach us. The stages are mentioned as follows.

Stage 0: the small tumor is seen in the top lining of the lung.

Stage 1: it has spread a little bit to other parts of the lung but has not spread outside the lung.

Stage 2: Cancer has spread to the lymph nodes inside the lung

Stage 3: there is more than one tumor in the same lung.

Stage 4: cancer has spread outside the lung.

Symptoms Of Lung Cancer

A cough that gets worse over time

If you face trouble breathing

If you feel chest pain

Coughing with bleeding, hoarseness, wheezing

Reduced appetite, abrupt weight loss, and fatigue

Shoulder pain

Swelling in the face

Many people can’t understand the symptoms until the advanced stage is reached. Some people can understand symptoms at an early age.

Treatment Of Lung Cancer

Best cancer treatment in India is advised by CareAssist Wellness Pvt. Ltd. We also arrange accommodation for medical tourists. Treatment of lung cancer is related to the type of lung cancer you have. The target of lung cancer is to get rid of lung cancer or slow down the growth of tumors inside the lung. Treatments can increase your immune system to fight cancer. Some therapies reduce symptoms and relieve pain.

Lung cancer treatment includes radiation therapy, surgery, immunotherapy, radiofrequency ablation, targeted drug therapy, and chemotherapy.

Surgery: Surgery is applicable if non-small cell lung cancer has not spread and small cell lung cancer is confined to a little tumor.

RadiofrequencyAblation: Doctors destroy cancer cells with the help of high-energy radio waves.

Radiation Therapy: When doctors use high-energy beams to kill cancer cells, the treatment process is called radiation therapy.

Consult the Best Medical Tourism Facilitator In India

CareAssist has made popular medical tourism in India. If you face any symptoms of lung cancer, you must visit our office for advice. Even if you smoke, we advise screening of lung at cancer hospitals. Our team is dedicated to facilitating your best treatment.


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